Encouragement to the Body of Christ in all facets of life. As the body of believers we ought to enjoy life and share the love of Christ. Life gets tough but thru every challenge we operate knowing that we have the VICTORY! Nothing is impossible with Christ, as we walk by faith.

Archive for December, 2012

The Dress


“Come quickly, come quickly and see the dress I want to purchase”, exclaim Jane. “Isn’t it lovely”, she says, as she stands outside the department store window. “I just want to go in and touch it but I am afraid to enter the store.”

Carla, her best friend, stared at her wondering why she was so fascinated with the outdated dress. So she boldly asks, “Why are you afraid?”

“Look at the price tag on that dress. It is turned backwards, which means the cost is really high and they don’t want to scare off the shoppers.”

“Really, I never knew that”, said Carla.

The dress that the two young ladies beheld was of a pure white fabric that appeared to be of an unknown brand. There was nothing flashy about the dress. It was a long flowing dress that had a touch of lace that embodied the outer lining. There were no buttons that were visible to the naked eyes.

As the ladies view the dress, a couple entered the store. They looked to be in their 30s, they spoke another language, but they appeared to be tired. The looked as if they were living on the streets and that they were hungry and thirsty. As soon as the two entered into the department store, they were greeted by the associates. They watched one associate welcome the couple and guided them to an area that had a partition that separated them from the viewing of others.

“Well Jane, those two went into the department store. They look like they don’t have any money.”

“Some stores do charity cases,” whispered Jane, “they surely cannot afford anything in there.”

The two girls continued in their walk but the dress continued to linger in Jane’s mind. She made a decision that she would come back next week and find out how much the dress cost. As a full-time student, she considered the possibility of purchasing the dress with her part-time salary.

Two weeks went by before Jane was able to take a walk on the street the department store resided. Jane had gone through many
challenges within the two weeks’ time frame. Jane recalled the last time she visited the department store with her best friend Carla. As her mind reminiscence on the events of that day, tears began to swell in her eyes.

“I did not know that would have been our last walk”, said Jane sadly.

As she took the familiar stroll her heart began to beat faster recounting the steps. She was so young, life is not fair. Why did this have to happen to her? Now what does she have to look forward to, thought Jane. How can life get any better for Carla?

Within the two weeks Carla was in an accident that left her as an invalid that depends on her parents for everything. The drunk driver should have to pay for what he has done to her. Jane knew that Carla was a cautious driver that always drove with care. That is one of the reasons why, she could not believe the misfortune that has overcame her best friend.

“She doesn’t even know who I am”, Jane spoke softly to herself. The driver, name unknown because he fled the scene, took her best friend from 2nd grade. “What gives him the right to just up and leave? He didn’t even check on Carla or called for help. I really hope that they find him.”

As Jane approached the department store window, she noticed that the dress still hang in the window. It appeared untouched; the tag remained in the exact same position. Jane stopped and for a brief moment her mind was at a break from her grief, and she visualized herself in the long flowing dress.

“Where would I were it? I can’t were it to class. I can’t even work in the dress.” Frustrated Jane continues, “It is just a stupid dress that I don’t need or can’t afford.”

Jane mind went back to Carla’s misfortune and decided to enter into the department store. Life is short and I have to start living, Jane considered.

As Jane pushed open the door that lead into the department store, every concern left her mind. Upon entering the room, the flow of running water was overheard. Is there a fountain, thought Jane? By her second step the associate was headed in her direction. She could not tell if it was the same person, they all appear to look-alike and had a glow about them.
Immediately her nostril took a waft of a sweet smell that over powered and she didn’t recognize the fragrance. The associate gently grabbed Jane’s hand and welcomed her.

“I have been looking at the dress that is in the window over there. I really want to know how much it is”, said Jane.

“This dress right here”, says the associate, as she leads her to the dress. “This is our special dress that never goes out of season.”

As the two young ladies reached the dress located in the bay window area, Jane finally sees the opposite side of the ticket and noticed that there wasn’t any digit located on the tag. Jane slowly turned her head and looked at the associate baffled. The associate eyes contained so much peace that seemed to engulf whatever it looked at.

“What does this mean? I have never seen a tag where one side is white and the other painted in a red color.” Jane was really concerned and knew that she would not be able to afford the dress.

The associated looked at Jane and said, “It was already paid for. The purchaser has made advance payments for anyone that wants this stunning piece.”

Question: What does the dress represent?

Answer: Salvation that is freely given to all men and women.

We have taken a walk through the course of every believer’s life. Jane and Carla taking a stroll down a street represents how we have walk without Christ, believing that we understood what it took to wear the garment of salvation. Notice how Jane’s eyes were drawn to the dress and there was nothing stunning that should have caught her attention. It represents how God draws us unto salvation, (John 6:44).

The couple that entered into the department store was at a place in life where they were ready to accept salvation. They were beaten up by life, but they knew the direction and were ready to accept the gift of salvation, making a commitment as a family. They journey have brought them to a place where they realize that they are hungry and thirsty for life. Within salvation Jesus promises that whoever comes to Him shall no longer thirst or be hungry, (Matthew 5:6; John 6:35).

When Jane and Carla walked off from the department store, it signifies the times in our life when salvation was presented and for whatever reasons we were not ready to accept. Perhaps, like Jane, we thought the cost for salvation was too much and we kept it moving.

Jane experienced a tragic event that drew her back to the gift of salvation. Many times it takes tragedy to get us to the department store viewing the gift of salvation, wondering if it can really work for our situation. Jane lost her best friend in an unfortunate incident. As we prepare to adorn the gift of salvation, we may find ourselves alone. We may lose the friends that we once held; it does not change the gift being offered, just as the gift was still on Jane’s mind. Carla existence represents the realistic situations that we bring with us requiring God’s grace and wisdom to get through.

Acceptance of the gift does not wipe out our circumstances, but it does provide us with support, direction, and guidance.

Jane’s brief moment to focus on entering into the department store signifies the perfect opportunities when silence happens, that gives us the chance to really consider salvation. For example, a man or woman may be at their wit’s end as they contemplate taking his or her own life. The brief interruption that comes with the suggestion that, God loves you and you don’t have to make this choice is elevated. The opportunity to make a life choice may come by a phone call, a television evangelist, or even a divine intervention. Jane’s brief moment gave her the courage to enter.

The water, which Jane was not able to locate, flowing within the department store denotes the water of life. Jane was not able to locate the fountain because the water sprung (John 4:14) from the associates that glowed with the love of God. The sweet fragrance symbolizes the sweet incense that hanged from the doorway of the tabernacle of the Old Testament (Exodus 35:15).

The associates are not named because we are all servants in the body of Christ. The message is about salvation by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. The price tag could not display numerals because there isn’t any amount of money that can purchase salvation. It was paid for by Jesus Christ when he died on the cross for the sins of mankind. Salvation is a gift that one must accept. It is not or can ever be a tradition that is handed down from generation to generation. Salvation is offered to ever soul and everyone has the ability to accept or reject the gift. We have freedom of choice that expands across all of mankind.

The robe is yours for the acceptance, (Revelation 7:9).

Author: Y.Jones

The Thrills of Life:

There are many things in life that brings thrills. For some that thrill is achieved by completing a project, accomplishing a task, or even setting a goal. Nevertheless thrills are experienced.

There are some of us who are afraid to experience life in its broad spectrum. Not to say that something is wrong with the laid back approach to life. Then there are those of us who lives life on a thrill seeking mission. There is nothing wrong with this picture either.

Each one of us was created differently and uniquely. Can you imagine a world where everyone looked and behaved the same? Wherein would the challenges exist? How would we learn to adapt to the complexity of life? Perhaps, there would be no complexity or challenges to overcome because we would all act and behave the same.

I believe that challenges are opportunities to improve in your own rights. Challenges allow us to develop in life; it allows us to shift our focus to see the situation or the world from a different angle. When looking at any object (use a tree as an example), each view will produce another area yet to be discovered. A tree have many parts that makes it whole, there are the leaves attached to a stem, attached to a branch, which is a part of the trunk, that elongates from the roots. These are just some of the parts that are visibly seen.

However, there are parts that are not as noticeable but are essential to the growth of the tree. How do the nutrients get from the roots to the leaves? Under the bark lies a channel of life that flows and operates for the health of the tree. Without proper nutrients the tree will die and not produce a desired picture of beauty.

Within the body of believers, each one of us has a purpose and a function. There are some members who have identified their purpose and there are some members yet seeking for that right placement. As a member of the tree, I know and understand that each part plays a vital role. There are the parts of the tree which are able to be seen, for example the bark. One of the bark’s purposes is to protect the internal processing that keeps the tree maturing.

In the Body of Christ, we have members that operate on the forefront that take the brunt of the storms. To be the bark of a tree one must be able to handle the seasons in life. There are the spring months that brings about rain, the bark must hold fast to protect the internal working of the tree. The summer months bring on direct heat from the sun, the bark must hold fast to protect the internal working of the tree. The fall months brings on a process of rejuvenating after the hot months, the bark continues to hold fast to protect the internal working of the tree. Winter season brings on the cold and possibly snow, and the bark continues to hold fast to protect the internal working of the tree.

In the Body of Christ the bark of the tree represents those in the forefront preaching, teaching, and ministering the gospel. The bulk of the believers are working in the internal process, which keeps the tree alive and maturing. Without each part the tree would not survive. Each purpose is important to the existence of the tree. Whether in the forefront or behind the scenes, YOU have a purpose and it is important.

Allow a joy and thrill to overcome us in working our purpose in the Body of Christ. Each member is important and there is a special part that only you can fulfill with you unique talents and abilities. You are needed for our tree’s survival

Author: Y.Jones