Encouragement to the Body of Christ in all facets of life. As the body of believers we ought to enjoy life and share the love of Christ. Life gets tough but thru every challenge we operate knowing that we have the VICTORY! Nothing is impossible with Christ, as we walk by faith.

Archive for the ‘Goals’ Category

Life’s Journey

Copyright by Aquila Wade

Where does “Life’s Journey” begin for you? We may focus on that journey starting at the time of birth and then we live life often time reflecting on the past. For some the past was filled with wonderful experiences and others it was a time of hardship. Nevertheless your “Life’s Journey” began and that is something to give thanks for.

As we journey through life often times we get to many crossroads. The one I am stressing is the one that led to our salvation. When we arrived at the crossroad we were tire, thirsty, hungry, and hopeless, with a lack of joy or zest.

Standing at that crossroad, we can visually see the path we just walked down. In glancing back it was fill of different emotions love, hurt, joy pain, sadness, gladness and the likes. But there was a void that nothing seemed to fill. We were not able to fill it with the things that we thought would have mattered. So we stood looking at the two roads before us.

Both roads appeared the same initially but we learnt that Jesus would walk with us down one path. When discovering the road that led to salvation we stumbled across the Word of God, taking note that SOMEONE thought enough to give us a manual.

When choosing the road of salvation it came with a manual called the “Living Word” or the “Holy Bible”. Time and again we may have found ourselves stumbling or falling as we learnt the things we ought to do. So we made the adjustments and continued learning how to walk on the path.

The path took us down some unfamiliar territories, but all along the way we knew that we were never alone. Jesus was always present ushering or even carrying us thru. With a still sweet voice saying “You can’t stop here, we must keep on there is destiny awaiting you”.

So you learnt how to rest in his arms, when tired. As we progressed the former things no longer caused us to stumble. So we began to pick up speed in our walk but along came distractions. It may have presented itself in the form of a man or woman; it may have developed as a result of a harmless habit. Nevertheless it took our minds off of our path and we began to stray way.

Our thought no longer rested in the joy or our hope for our destiny, but our thoughts always evolved back to our path. So with love and care Jesus healed, delivered, set free, healed, delivered, set free, healed, delivered, set free over and over again. With outstretched arms he awaited our return, just as a parent reaches out for their child teaching him or her how to walk.

The goal of every parent is to see their child grow and mature and become productive in life. However, in the body of Christ often times we spend so much time at the infancy stage due to distractions. There are great experiences awaiting us if we choose to mature. As babes in Christ we are instructed to desire the sincere milk of the Word of God, (I Peter 2:2).

Parents take active thoughts to wean their baby off of milk. The milk was provided to the baby because he/she did not know how to process baby or table food (as grandmother would say). But as the baby grew up the milk became non-sufficient and the baby cried for more and required more frequent feedings. The parents then provided the baby with baby food, ranging from vegetables, fruits, juices, and even meals in a jar. Then the baby food became non-sufficient and the child required more to feel full and not hungry. So the parents move forward to table food. The child body began to adjust and became regulated.

Our Father desires for us to get to the stage in “Life’s Journey” where he is able to give us not only the milk, but he wants to give us strong meats for our meal. Once we can consume the strong meat provided by the hands of God we will be used as skillful laborers by our Father, (Hebrews 5:13-14).

Let’s get to the table and chow down on some real food or table food. There is much work for us to do and destiny waits. I want my full course meal with a belly full in Christ Jesus!


By: Y.Jones


Times of Refreshments


When the word refresh comes to mind, what do you think of?

Possibly your mind thinks on a steady flow of gentle rain that lightly refreshes on a hot dry day. Or maybe an ice-cold glass of lemonade after working in the garden or cutting the grass. Perhaps sitting down after a long day of work to read your favorite book is refreshing.

For each one of us and in different circumstances refreshment is experience differently. Nevertheless it all means the same thing, to replenish.

As we have embarked 2013, many have purchased planners for the year. The rationale behind the planner is to write out our goals and/or visions for our personal life. Writing out our goals is a remarkable task. By doing so our personal vision and goals are documented and we are equipped carry out our goals.

No matter how busy you may get, my request to you is to love on yourself. To successfully love on yourself, include opportunities of refreshing in your planned vision.

It is very easy to neglect yourself and not consider times of refreshing as a normal routine. Everyone can use and experience refreshment opportunities. According to Exodus 31:17, God rested and was refreshed. Even God took the time to refresh and we should too.

From Loving Me to Loving You
Refreshed as the morning dew
Refreshed, refreshed, refreshed
Refreshed as the sky turns blue
Refreshed, refreshed, refreshed
Refreshed as a snow-capped mountain after a storm
Refreshed, refreshed, refreshed
Refresh us like only YOU can,
Refresh us like the morning rain
Refresh our soul from the strains of life
And restore us with YOUR love

Our Father!

Author: Y.Jones

Life’s Rhythm

Have you ever taken Wind + blowball = full springthe time to think about the Life’s Rhythm?
What is that? What do you mean?
Consider the wind that blows on a cool day, now consider the same wind that blows during a storm.
One brings you a refreshing breeze that shifts your hair.
The other can excite an unstable emotion that can be portrayed as panic, fear, or distress.
Is it not the same wind that gently massages?
We live during a time where there is an effort to remove God from our very existence.
Does that change who God is within our life? Is HE not the same God today, yesterday, and forevermore?
As we embark on 2013 allow this to be the year that we, as the Body of Christ, trust God no matter what the wind is doing.
Learn how to listen to Life’s Rhythm. The waters upon the earth flow with a distinct rhythm; the animals operate within a rhythm; the plants and trees thrive within a rhythm.
Does God not control the wind? Does God not already know the future and the outlook?
Therefore, we are to rest in HIS arms. The plans that God have for HIS people is to provide peace with an expected end according to Jeremiah 29:11.
So if a storm comes, know that you have the authority to speak peace and quiet the storm.
You are an active participant in Life’s Rhythm.
Use the same peace that was provided to you.
Does our Father God not know the end result?
Rest in HIS faithfulness, trust, embrace 2013, and flow in the Life’s Rhythm!