Encouragement to the Body of Christ in all facets of life. As the body of believers we ought to enjoy life and share the love of Christ. Life gets tough but thru every challenge we operate knowing that we have the VICTORY! Nothing is impossible with Christ, as we walk by faith.

Posts tagged ‘dating’

A Gift for You


A Gift for You
Love is a powerful 4 letter word
4 letter word that turns the
World upside down, looking for it
4 letter word that pulls
You to your knees, when it is found

Love, Love, Love, Love
What would you do for it?
4 letter word that cannot be bought
But in its natural state worth more than
Diamond, silver, or gold

What would you do for it?
Lie ~ then it would not be real
Cheat ~ it’s not yours to have
Love ~ what makes the world go around

What would you do for it?
To protect it, is to carry it in observance and guard it
To grow it, is to face the challenges and not give up
To honor it, is to put it before no other

What would you do for the 4 letter word
That has evaded so many lives
As they search wondering why
True authentic love
Look for it in its natural state, natural form
It does not hate
It does not take you to your bone
True authentic love, adds to you
Brighten your day
Holds you when you are cold
Wrap you in love that is impossible to fade away

What would you do for it?
~ love it
~protect it
~ honor it
~cherish it
Real Authentic love in a heart shape form
Watch it grow
Endlessly with time

Author: YJ