Encouragement to the Body of Christ in all facets of life. As the body of believers we ought to enjoy life and share the love of Christ. Life gets tough but thru every challenge we operate knowing that we have the VICTORY! Nothing is impossible with Christ, as we walk by faith.

Posts tagged ‘2013’

Her Entrance

Hello Friday Fictioneers!

For those of you, who do not take part in the Friday Fictioneers blog group, please accept this as an invitation. Every Wednesday we are provided with a photo and the goal is to offer a short story using 100 words. This task is the true challenge and I find it very inspiring reading the other members view on the photo prompt.

Each participate then have the opportunity to review, comment, and/or provide constructive criticism. Therefore we live, learn, and improve. Come join and have some fun!

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields is the host and on her behalf I extend a welcome to all participants.

Copyright-Claire Fuller

Copyright-Claire Fuller

“My mind is captured by thoughts of her. I can smell her perfume and hear her voice. What do I do?”

“Tom, I have known you since grade school. Who are you talking about?”

“The woman from my dreams; she comes and visit almost every night.”

“What does she say?”

“’Hold me’ and then I grab her and love instantly permeates.”

Doorbell rings.

“Hey Tom, this is my cousin Sara from Tennessee.”

Standing in shock and shaken. Can this really be the woman from my dreams?

She approaches, “Have we met before?”

I can’t blow this now! What’s next?

Click here to read other Friday Fictioneers

Click here to read other Friday Fictioneers

The Whispered Call

Hello Friday Fictioneers! I am really enjoying the opportunity to share and read others short stories.

For those of you, who do not take part in the Friday Fictioneers blog group, please accept this as an invitation. Every Wednesday we are receive a photo and the goal is to give a short story using 100 words. This task is the true challenge and I find it very inspiring reading the other members view on the photo prompt.

Each participate then has an opportunity to review, comment, and/or offer constructive criticism. Therefore we live, learn, and improve. Come join and have some fun!

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields is the host and extends a welcome to all participants.

Below is my contribution.

Copyright-Renee Homan Heath

Copyright-Renee Homan Heath

Did someone call me?
I don’t know anyone here.
I am tired and I do not want to be noticed.
The struggle to fight is unbearable.
I just want to go quietly, knowing the plans for tonight.
Should I answer the voice beyond the brush?
It is so welcoming and inviting.
Walking across the boardwalk bare feet, I feel as if I am in another world.
A new hope grows with every step.
In the distance could that really be him.
All of my strength leaves me as I looked at the silhouette of my love.

Click here to read other Friday Fictioneers

Click here to read other Friday Fictioneers

Genre: Realistic Fiction – Missing Love

“Missing Love” is my contribution to the Friday Fictioneers blog club. We attempt to put 100 words to a provided photo. The stories are unique and I thank Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting these events. Please read, comment, and take part. Everyone’s talent is a gift and to share it with us is a pleasure.

Copyright by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Copyright by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

It’s been 35 years since I’ve seen you. Today is a special day and I wish you were here. I have attempted to find you on many occasions but to no avail, I kept on living. I have experienced many of life challenges since your departure.

I remember the day we got the call, John was sitting to the table coloring and we quickly performed what we practiced for months. John’s memory is so vague, but I remember like it was yesterday. John is getting married today wish you were here.

In tears, “others were found but where are you!”

By Y.Jones

Click here to read other Friday Fictioneers

Click here to read other Friday Fictioneers


Times of Refreshments


When the word refresh comes to mind, what do you think of?

Possibly your mind thinks on a steady flow of gentle rain that lightly refreshes on a hot dry day. Or maybe an ice-cold glass of lemonade after working in the garden or cutting the grass. Perhaps sitting down after a long day of work to read your favorite book is refreshing.

For each one of us and in different circumstances refreshment is experience differently. Nevertheless it all means the same thing, to replenish.

As we have embarked 2013, many have purchased planners for the year. The rationale behind the planner is to write out our goals and/or visions for our personal life. Writing out our goals is a remarkable task. By doing so our personal vision and goals are documented and we are equipped carry out our goals.

No matter how busy you may get, my request to you is to love on yourself. To successfully love on yourself, include opportunities of refreshing in your planned vision.

It is very easy to neglect yourself and not consider times of refreshing as a normal routine. Everyone can use and experience refreshment opportunities. According to Exodus 31:17, God rested and was refreshed. Even God took the time to refresh and we should too.

From Loving Me to Loving You
Refreshed as the morning dew
Refreshed, refreshed, refreshed
Refreshed as the sky turns blue
Refreshed, refreshed, refreshed
Refreshed as a snow-capped mountain after a storm
Refreshed, refreshed, refreshed
Refresh us like only YOU can,
Refresh us like the morning rain
Refresh our soul from the strains of life
And restore us with YOUR love

Our Father!

Author: Y.Jones