Encouragement to the Body of Christ in all facets of life. As the body of believers we ought to enjoy life and share the love of Christ. Life gets tough but thru every challenge we operate knowing that we have the VICTORY! Nothing is impossible with Christ, as we walk by faith.

“Missing Love” is my contribution to the Friday Fictioneers blog club. We attempt to put 100 words to a provided photo. The stories are unique and I thank Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting these events. Please read, comment, and take part. Everyone’s talent is a gift and to share it with us is a pleasure.

Copyright by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Copyright by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

It’s been 35 years since I’ve seen you. Today is a special day and I wish you were here. I have attempted to find you on many occasions but to no avail, I kept on living. I have experienced many of life challenges since your departure.

I remember the day we got the call, John was sitting to the table coloring and we quickly performed what we practiced for months. John’s memory is so vague, but I remember like it was yesterday. John is getting married today wish you were here.

In tears, “others were found but where are you!”

By Y.Jones

Click here to read other Friday Fictioneers

Click here to read other Friday Fictioneers

Comments on: "Genre: Realistic Fiction – Missing Love" (35)

  1. an estranged parent and John being the child grew up not knowing? but sad indeed because the person missed the wedding. 😦
    thanks for sharing ❤

    • He missed the wedding, the child growing up, the mom is sadden…..as her heart longs for the love of her life…you are welcome.

  2. How sad that they were saved but lost their husband and father! A very mixed blessing.


  3. This is so sad, touching. Nicely done.

  4. a moving tale of a lost father..nicely presented

  5. That seemed so real – could hear her words as he was ‘writing’. a testament, immensely sad, very, very powerful. Real love there. Very strong writing.

  6. A convincing voice in this – not overdone in any way. Nice one.

  7. very sad.. they’re safe but no longer complete.. john’s getting married but they’re missing someone special… bittersweet… great story

  8. Dear YJ,
    A tenderly rendered story. I can feel the mother’s hope filtered through loneliness. Well done.

  9. They were safe but he was not… most likely thru his actions, maybe. She still hopes, but she knows… and keeps the faith.

  10. Very touching with a heartfelt tone. Well done, and thanks so much for stopping by mine.

  11. so the key here is – who are the “others” who were found? how does this one person factor in with the others? hmmm. well done.

  12. “we quickly performed what we practiced for months.” Open to so many possibilities and complicated by “I have attempted to find you on many occasions”–interesting backstory here.

  13. Such a bittersweet.. And the last line .. So touching.. The endless wait can be heart breaking and you’ve depicted the emotion really well!

  14. Very heartfelt. An incomplete family moving forward through life. That’s tough. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I’m hoping their circle is completed again some day in the future.

  15. A story with just enough gaps to build a whole life into. I love when my fantasy goes haywire.

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