Encouragement to the Body of Christ in all facets of life. As the body of believers we ought to enjoy life and share the love of Christ. Life gets tough but thru every challenge we operate knowing that we have the VICTORY! Nothing is impossible with Christ, as we walk by faith.

The Thrills of Life:

There are many things in life that brings thrills. For some that thrill is achieved by completing a project, accomplishing a task, or even setting a goal. Nevertheless thrills are experienced.

There are some of us who are afraid to experience life in its broad spectrum. Not to say that something is wrong with the laid back approach to life. Then there are those of us who lives life on a thrill seeking mission. There is nothing wrong with this picture either.

Each one of us was created differently and uniquely. Can you imagine a world where everyone looked and behaved the same? Wherein would the challenges exist? How would we learn to adapt to the complexity of life? Perhaps, there would be no complexity or challenges to overcome because we would all act and behave the same.

I believe that challenges are opportunities to improve in your own rights. Challenges allow us to develop in life; it allows us to shift our focus to see the situation or the world from a different angle. When looking at any object (use a tree as an example), each view will produce another area yet to be discovered. A tree have many parts that makes it whole, there are the leaves attached to a stem, attached to a branch, which is a part of the trunk, that elongates from the roots. These are just some of the parts that are visibly seen.

However, there are parts that are not as noticeable but are essential to the growth of the tree. How do the nutrients get from the roots to the leaves? Under the bark lies a channel of life that flows and operates for the health of the tree. Without proper nutrients the tree will die and not produce a desired picture of beauty.

Within the body of believers, each one of us has a purpose and a function. There are some members who have identified their purpose and there are some members yet seeking for that right placement. As a member of the tree, I know and understand that each part plays a vital role. There are the parts of the tree which are able to be seen, for example the bark. One of the bark’s purposes is to protect the internal processing that keeps the tree maturing.

In the Body of Christ, we have members that operate on the forefront that take the brunt of the storms. To be the bark of a tree one must be able to handle the seasons in life. There are the spring months that brings about rain, the bark must hold fast to protect the internal working of the tree. The summer months bring on direct heat from the sun, the bark must hold fast to protect the internal working of the tree. The fall months brings on a process of rejuvenating after the hot months, the bark continues to hold fast to protect the internal working of the tree. Winter season brings on the cold and possibly snow, and the bark continues to hold fast to protect the internal working of the tree.

In the Body of Christ the bark of the tree represents those in the forefront preaching, teaching, and ministering the gospel. The bulk of the believers are working in the internal process, which keeps the tree alive and maturing. Without each part the tree would not survive. Each purpose is important to the existence of the tree. Whether in the forefront or behind the scenes, YOU have a purpose and it is important.

Allow a joy and thrill to overcome us in working our purpose in the Body of Christ. Each member is important and there is a special part that only you can fulfill with you unique talents and abilities. You are needed for our tree’s survival

Author: Y.Jones

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