Encouragement to the Body of Christ in all facets of life. As the body of believers we ought to enjoy life and share the love of Christ. Life gets tough but thru every challenge we operate knowing that we have the VICTORY! Nothing is impossible with Christ, as we walk by faith.

Life’s Rhythm

Have you ever taken Wind + blowball = full springthe time to think about the Life’s Rhythm?
What is that? What do you mean?
Consider the wind that blows on a cool day, now consider the same wind that blows during a storm.
One brings you a refreshing breeze that shifts your hair.
The other can excite an unstable emotion that can be portrayed as panic, fear, or distress.
Is it not the same wind that gently massages?
We live during a time where there is an effort to remove God from our very existence.
Does that change who God is within our life? Is HE not the same God today, yesterday, and forevermore?
As we embark on 2013 allow this to be the year that we, as the Body of Christ, trust God no matter what the wind is doing.
Learn how to listen to Life’s Rhythm. The waters upon the earth flow with a distinct rhythm; the animals operate within a rhythm; the plants and trees thrive within a rhythm.
Does God not control the wind? Does God not already know the future and the outlook?
Therefore, we are to rest in HIS arms. The plans that God have for HIS people is to provide peace with an expected end according to Jeremiah 29:11.
So if a storm comes, know that you have the authority to speak peace and quiet the storm.
You are an active participant in Life’s Rhythm.
Use the same peace that was provided to you.
Does our Father God not know the end result?
Rest in HIS faithfulness, trust, embrace 2013, and flow in the Life’s Rhythm!

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